Srila Prabhupada Asraya
- To be dedicated to taking divine shelter of Srila Prabhupada by following the principles of Krishna Consciousness.
- To practice Krishna Consciousness with strong conviction.
- To chant a minimum of sixteen rounds of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra every day.
- To strictly refrain from meat eating (including fish, egg, onion and garlic), intoxication (including coffee and tea), gambling, illicit sex and activities detrimental to progress in devotional service
- To be familiar in the basics of Krishna conscious philosophy by reading the books of Srila Prabhupada systematically and is actively engaged in sharing Krishna Conscious principles (according to his/her capacity) to others
- To do some responsible service (however simple it may be), on a regular basis.
- To rise early in the morning and follow a program similar to the temple as far as possible.
- To attend at least one Srimad Bhagavatam/Srimad Bhagavad-Gita class every week.

Guru Vandana (Sri Guru Charana)
Vibhavari Sesha
Yashomati Nandana
Sixteen Rounds Japa
Tilaka Mantra
ISKCON Disciple Course
Life & Teachings of Lord Chaitanya
Nectar of Instruction
Srila Prabhupada Biography (abridged)
Science of Self-Realization
Sri Isopanishad
A Second Chance
Please consult your local authority for more clarity based on the regional requirements