Krishna Sadhaka
- To be dedicated to leading a devotional way of life, by gradually learning and practicing Bhakti-yoga, according to the teachings of Srila Prabhupada under the guidance of his representatives.
- To study the books of Srila Prabhupada and attend the classes as often as possible (atleast the weekend Bhagavad-Gita class every week)
- To worship Lord Krishna, as far as practical in the home, by setting up an altar, offering arati and foodstuffs, worshipping the sacred Tulasi plant and following basic sadhana like rising up early in the morning.
- To chant eight to sixteen rounds of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra every day.
- To lead a pure holy life by refraining from meat eating (including fish & eggs), intoxication (alcoholic drinks & smoking), gambling and illicit sexual activity
- To observe fasting on the Ekadasi and festival days as indicated in the Vaisnava calendar.

Tulsi Arati
Guru Ashtaka (Samsara dava)
Gaura Arati
Eight Rounds Japa
Exclusive Altar
Fasting on Ekadasi & Festivals
Teachings of Prahlad Maharaj
Coming Back
Civilization and Transcendence
Krishna Book
Bhagvad Gita As It Is*
Laws of Nature
Beyond Doubt & Illusion
Please consult your local authority for more clarity based on the regional requirements